Monday, May 5, 2014


  • 2. Non VerbalCommunication 2
  • 3. Verbal NonverbalCommunicatio Communication nThewords we Bodily actions and use vocal qualities that typically accompany a verbal message 3
  • 4. IMPORTANCE OF NON-VERBALCOMMUNICATION♦ only 7% of a message’s effect is carried by words ; listeners receive the other 93% through non -verbal means - Communication researcher Mehrabian ♦Over 65 percent of the social meaning of the messages we send to others are communicated non-verbally. 4
  • 5. “What you are speaksso loudly that I cannot hear what you say” -Ralph Waldo Emerson 5
  • 6. Characteristics of NonverbalCommunication Intentional or unintentional Ambiguous Primary Continuous Multichanneled 6
  • 7. Functions of NonverbalCommunicationTo provide informationTo regulate interactionTo express or hide emotion and affectTo present an imageTo express power and control 7
  • 8. Regulate Interaction Facial expressions or gestures that are used to control or regulate the flow of a conversation Microsoft Photo 8
  • 9. Express Emotion or AffectFacial expressions and gestures that augment the verbal expression of feelings Microsoft Photo 9
  • 10. Types of NonverbalCommunication Kinesics Paralanguage Vocal interferences Spatial Usage tthiing y h ng Self-presentation E v e rry p t E ve e pt cues e xc e e xc s! worrd s ! e wo d tth e h 10
  • 11. KinesicsEye ContactFacial expressionsEmoticonsGesturePostureTouch 11
  • 12. Touch Touching and being touched are essential to a healthy life Touch can communicate power, empathy, understanding Microsoft Photo 12
  • 13. Paralanguage Pitch Volume Rate Quality Intonation 13
  • 14. Vocal Interferences Extraneous sounds or words that interrupt fluent speech ◦ “uh,” “um” ◦ “you know,” “like” Place markers Filler 14
  • 15. Spatial UsageProxemics ◦ Intimate distance ◦ Personal distance ◦ Social distance ◦ Public DistanceTerritory 15
  • 16. Personal Space at WorkYour officeYour deskA table in the cafeteria that you sit at regularly Microsoft Photo 16
  • 17. Color Influences Communication Yellow cheers Red excites Blue comforts and and andelevates moods stimulates soothes In some In some cultures cultures black suggests white suggests mourning purity 17
  • 18. Self-Presentation Cues Physical Appearance Time (Chronemics) Olfactory Communication 18
  • 19. Self-Presentation What message do you wish to send with your choice of clothing and personal Microsoft Photo grooming? 19
  • 20. Time How do we manage and react to others’ management of time ◦ duration ◦ activity ◦ punctuality Microsoft Photo 20
  • 21. Cultural and Gender VariationsKinesicsParalanguageProxemics and TerritoryOlfactory Communication 21
  • 22. NonverbalVary from culture toSignalsculture Microsoft Photo 22
  • 23. What does this symbol mean to you? In the United States it is a symbol for good job In Germany the number one In Japan the number five In Ghana an insult In Malaysia the thumb is used to point rather than a finger 23
  • 24. Improving Nonverbal CommunicationSkills•When sending messages • Be conscious of nonverbal behavior • Be purposeful in use of nonverbals • Make sure nonverbals are not distracting • Match verbal and nonverbal communication • Adapt to the situation 24
  • 25. Improving Nonverbal CommunicationSkills•When receiving messages • Don’t automatically assume • Consider gender, culture and individual differences • Pay attention to all aspects of nonverbal communication • Use perception checking 25
  • 26. Teachers should be aware of nonverbal behavior forthree major reasons:An awareness of nonverbal behavior will allow you to become better receivers of students messages.You will become a better sender of signals that reinforce learning.This mode of communication increases the degree of the perceived psychological closeness between teacher and student. 26
  • 27. Creating a climate that facilitateslearning and retention demands good nonverbal skills. THANK YOU 27