Sunday, September 22, 2013

World Wide Web(WWW)

The world wide web (WWW) makes up a very large percentage of internet. Nearly seventy percent of all information searches are handled through the world wide web . This is where most educators and students find  their information on nearly any subject. information is quickly found in the world wide web through typing key words or file names if known. The keywords are searched through different search engines such as info seek, Lycos, Google, Yahoo, MSN , etc. these search engines look for key words in their files. The search results from the search engine are then listed and the educator or student can choose from the titles found . The world wide web has thousand of interesting  sites. The information to learn just about anything is probably contained somewhere in the web, it is just up to the user to find it and learn from it.
HTML is the major language of the internet world wide web . It can stands for Hyper Text Language . Web site and web pages are written in HTML .With HTML and the world wide web you have the ability to bring together text, picture , sound and links all one place.

Grtting Strated (how to starte internet)

Getting connected to the internet is fairly simple but there are a number of steps you need to take before hand.The first requirement will be to locate an internet service provider (ISP) in your area. This is a company through which you can access the internet . Prices and features will vary, so calling around and shopping for the best price is recommended . Typically your local isp will offer you a monthly package which will include email , web access, download / upload capabilities and newsgroups.Once you have found an isp and signed their service agreement , nest you will need to install some software on you computer, in many cases your isp will help you with that installation. Bellow is a list of the software that your isp will install.
Telecommunication Software
A World Wide Web Browser 
An Email Program 
with all this software installed you will be ready to access the internet. Once you are ready it is now time to connect to the internet. Your computer will dial a local number, which is provide by you isp . Once you have logged into you isp you  are connected to the internet

Disadvantages of Internet

A major concern form educators and parents is that the child may access indecent or restricted sites on the internet such as pornography or adult nature materiel. Many schools have installed blocking systems which block or require password to access the restricted sites. In actuality it is nearly impossible to ensure that children will not access these areas, since some children may already have much experience with using the internet. The teachers can closely monitor computer screens to ensure that children are not visiting indecent sites.
A problem also exists on the internet when searching for information . The internet searches for information by typing key words into a search engine such as inf seek, , Lycos , etc or into directories such as yahoo each search engine contain its own subjects and ways of organizing information . Often an educator or student may only employ one search engine such as Lycos, to obtain information when the other search engine might contain better sites.
Another problem exists in the internet because you can get distracted from your topic while finding a more interesting web site. This can be turned into a learning tool by occasionally allowing the students to activity seek out topics they ray find more than one in which they originally were looking for learning often takes place when students are internally motivated about subjects and occasionally flexibility on the teacher's part can increase the child inter-sent and self motivation to want to use the internet.



There are six primary domains for U.S internet sites,, com (commercial). edu (education) gov(government) mil (military) net (network) and org (organization) Any address that does not end with one of these six domain names is probably located outside the united states. For example the domain name Pk stands for Pakistan, fr for France and ae For United Arab Emirates.
A simple internet address
To gave an example the address refers to a person with a username of smith who logs into a host computer named spark , which is part of a domain named Berkeley (for university of California at Berkeley ), which in turn is part of the primary domain named edu (for education).
Email Addresses Versus URLs
Internet email addresses are different form URL (uniform resource locators). Emil addresses are used to identify a particular user on the internet an URL are used to identify a web server, that is a computer that makes information available via the world wide web. the URL is what you type into your web browser program to tell it to go to and display a particular page of information.

Muhammad zia

Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .
Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .
Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .
Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .
Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .
Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .
Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .
Welcom to my site my name is Muhammad Zia and i ma a Web developer .